Sunday, February 8, 2015

Knowing My Audience

I think that we have a wide and varied audience in this class. I’m sure that it’s the same way every semester. My audience is one that has many interests. I’ve noticed from the answers in the forum that there are many age groups. I can tell that some of the students in this class are fresh from high school. It also seems that some others are middle aged and have grown children. We have parents. We have full time students and part time students. I have also noticed that the majority of the people that respond to other’s posts are female. Nothing against the guys in the class, but speaking for myself, we’re lazy. 

There is a very large majority of people that have already spent there imaginary lottery winnings. Glad to see I’m not the only one who does that. 

The musical appreciation of this class seems to be on the high side. It is varied, I think, but there. There are a number of people in this class that can actually play an instrument. One person has actually been to numerous competitions and won awards for their musicality and skill.

I also believe that I have a well-read audience. Most everyone in this class has a personal favorite for reading styles. We also have a couple of people that seem to have a sort of reading Tourette’s. They just spout random quotes and characters from a multitude of genres. 

All in all, I think that I have a wonderfully open and receptive audience. I think that I may not be able to captivate each and every person, but I can in some way appeal to the senses of all of them. I will be readily familiar with the experiences and memories of some. I will also have a hard time appreciating others. All in all, I think it is a wonderful audience to write for.

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