Saturday, February 7, 2015

Free Write Response to This I Believe

This will be a freewrite.

So considering how tired I am and the amount of work I out into reading the articles I hope it is presentable. The first essay I read was "A Grown-Up Barbie. I thought it was very commendable how she worked in the fashion industry but had no care for fashion, really. She only wanted to make nice clothes for how they made people feel and not for the money or fame involved. She actually cared very little for the industry, but liked to travel. The next one was "Leaving Identity Issues To Other Folks". It was an interesting essay, and it held my attention. It seemed that she worked hard to stereotype herself. But only because others told her what to be. It seemed to me that she didn't find herself until later in her life. She wasn't quite who she wanted to be. The next essay was Always go to the funeral. It was an interesting piece because I can't see my self as being a person to always go. I uderstand paying your last respects but it seems a little much to go to every funeral.I guess the point the auther was trying to maske is that you should pay respect. The next essay was be cool to the pizza dude. I liked this article. It kind of goes in with the whole Karma trip. I tend to live that way, so it makes since.On the this Takes Practice article I had a hard time not dozing off. It just seems like a teacher essay. Nothing fancy but not to bad I guess...Hopefully I can make it t

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